venerdì 2 agosto 2013

Claude Monet ♥ Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Claude Monet The Houses of Parliament (Effect of  Fog), 1903-4
Oil on canvas. Signed and dated (lower left): Claude Monet 1903

Claude Monet :Rouen Cathedral: The Portal (Sunlight) ,1894
Oil on canvas.
Signed and dated lower left: Claude Monet 94

Claude Monet,  Haystacks (effect of Snow and Sun), 1891
Oil on canvas
Signed and dated (lower left): Claude Monet 91

Claude Monet, The Four Trees, 1891
Oil on canvas
Signed and dated (lower left): Claude Monet 91

Claude Monet, Palm Trees at Bordighera, 1884
Oil on canvas
Signed and dated (lower left): Claude Monet 84

Claude Monet: The Valley of Nervia, 1884
Oil on canvas
Signed and dated (lower left): Claude Monet 84

Claude Monet, The Doge's Palace Seen from San Giorgio Maggiore, 1908
Oil on canvas
Signed and dated (lower right): Claude Monet 1908

Claude Monet, Morning on the Seine near Giverny, 1897
Oil on canvas
Signed and dated (lower left): Claude Monet 97

Claude Monet, The Manneporte near Etretat, 1886
Oil on canvas
Signed and dated (lower left): Claude Monet 86

Claude Monet, Ile aux Orties near Vernon, 1897
Oil on canvas
Signed and dated (lower left): Claude Monet 97

Claude Monet: Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies, 1899
Oil on canvas
Signed and dated (lower right): Claude Monet/99

Claude Monet, Water Lilies,Reflections of Weeping Willows, c.a.1916-19
Oil on canvas
Stamped (lower right): Monet

Claude Monet, The Manneporte (Etretat), 1883
Oil on canvas
Signed and dated (lower left) :Claude Monet 83

Calude Monet, The Path through the Irises, 1914-17
Oil on canvas
Stamped (lower right): Claude Monet

Claude Monet, Water Lilies,  1919
Oil on canvas
Signed and dated (lower left): Claude Monet 1919

2 commenti:

Cristina Malvezzi ha detto...

Ciao! Sono una nuova follower: le foto dei dipinti di Monet mi hanno immediatamente catturata! Se può interessarti, nella mia città, Verona, il prossimo autunno si terrà una mostra dedicata alla pittura di paesaggio, intitolata "Verso Monet" (seguito di quella sui ritratti dell'anno scorso, in cui sono stati presentati anche alcuni dipinti che hai immortalato qui sul blog). Ho parlato di entrambe le mostre sul mio blog, dove si sta svolgendo anche un contest per un ingresso omaggio, se vuoi passa a dare un'occhiata! ;) Un saluto! Cristina

myladycatherine ha detto...

Grazie Cristina! Andrò sicuramente a dare un'occhiata :-)

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